
Nyasha , Zimbabwe

Good afternoon sister Viomak. I got USD$30 from my boss earlier this morning saying that it’s from you to me. I am humbled and grateful. I’m so touched beyond words. Thank you so much for the thoughtful and generous gift, you have no idea how much it meant to me. There was nothing random about your act of kindness, you always know how to make life brighter for everyone you know and you are always so helpful. I have heard a lot about you and your good heart and all I can say is that you always go above and beyond in everything you do. I’m using you as an example to my kids of someone unselfish, giving and ready with a can-do spirit and I hope they grow up to be like you. Sisi Viomak Mwari vakuitirei zvakanaka.May He always meet you at your point of need. May He provide over and above all that you need. May He satisfy you with long life that He may continue using you. Thank you for allowing God to use you, I feel so honoured to have met you in person. I love and appreciate you.